From Academy Award Winner Chris Cooper: (American Beauty, Adaptation, Seabiscuit)
“The moment of truth comes through the execution of acting. Bob worked with me, in his New York City acting classes on ‘moment to moment’ truth, freeing me of self consciousness, taking the emphasis away from self and placing concentration on the other actor. Bob’s process pushed me beyond my limits to discover the true and spontaneous interplay of action and reaction, skills I continue to use in my work today.”

From Gloria Reuben: (Lincoln, E.R., Raising the Bar)
“My first acting coach, when I moved to Los Angeles, was Bob McAndrew. Through his expertise and gentle but firm guidance and support, I was able to truly flourish and grow into a more focused, honest, and full actor. If it weren’t for the foundation that he helped me create, I am certain that I would not have had the amount of confidence and trust that is needed to maintain any kind of success in this business. I am forever indebted to Bob. He would only accept honesty and hard work...two things that I have endeavored to maintain.”

From Sela Ward’s new book “Homesick”:
(CSI: NY, Once and Again, Sisters)
“So I started studying with a teacher named Bob McAndrew. It was one of those life changing decisions. Under Bob’s guidance I began the transformation from quiet, introspective, small town girl to confident woman who was unafraid to take risks on the public stage. More important, for the first time I began to see and to believe that there was something more to me than just a pretty face.”

From award winning cinematographer Steven Fierberg: (Love and Other Drugs, Entourage, Secretary, Attila)
“Bob made a crucial difference in both my work, and my life. He freed me from the constraints of my fears and false assumptions and lead me to the truth that is found only by being in the moment. He will always be the mentor that made the biggest difference in my growth.”

From current student Galway McCullough:
"Bob revolutionized the way I work as an actor. Bob’s way of working varies from day to day, scene to scene, actor to actor. It is dependent not upon “the way he works” but on where you are at with the text at that moment in time. He knows Method, he knows Meisner etc. He will speak to you in terms you are prepared to understand and then gradually build your vocabulary as an actor.
He will challenge and support you without tearing you down or demeaning you while at the same time he will not sugar-coat things or feed you a line of shit just to keep you in class. He does turn away prospective students and has kicked folks out who aren’t putting in the work and making the effort. This is a class for those of us who are ready to make the jump in personal growth that will bring us the success we have always dreamed of. I look forward to seeing you in class/on set/stage/screen!”

See what bob's students ARE sayING about his classes
May 2023 On Camera Students
June 2023 Spain Workshop Students (in spanish)
Past Students